More North wind around 20 today so needless to say no one went offshore today. With all this down time I have been working on the boat getting it ready for the 2015 season. Painting the cockpit adding a seat in the tower and fixing some other minor stuff here and there.
The wind finally let up a bit but there was some left over swell. Other than the commercial boats I don't think anyone made it offshore. Winter is finally here with the water on the beach finally cooling down into the mid 40's. Hopefully this change starts pushing the Bluefins down from up north. The fish that are in Morehead are not the body of fish we have been fishing on the last 4 or 5 winters. Hopefully that same body shows up again this year a year older and a little bigger.
It's snowing in Hatteras but not sticking. Air temperature is 34 and it's blowing 30 so needless to say no boats went offshore fishing today. Weather looks pretty bad all week hopefully it breaks over the weekend so we can go looking for those blackfins.
No offshore fishing going on today here in Hatteras. There was some wind first thing in the morning but quickly died out inshore and turned out to be an absolute beautiful winter day. The Commercial fleet had plenty of Dog Sharks and a few sea mullets.
Wind and leftover swell kept everyone at the dock again today. Tomorrow looks like the only pretty day for a while. The water still looks good and I'm sure the Blackfin Tuna will still be there when we get back out there. Phone calls are steadily coming for summer fishing trips. If you have a specific days you want to fish better call soon before they will be booked.
The buoy was reporting 21 feet at 9 secs this morning which is not very condusive for fishing. Any time the wave height is more than double the average period you probably don't want to be there. Needless to say everyone stayed tied to the dock today and watched the wind and rain. The good news is the Diamond Shoals Buoy as of right now is still working even after the pounding it took last night. The wind is suppose to fall out late tomorrow and be beautiful on Monday.
There was some decent Blackfin Tuna fishing offshore again today even though it was fairly rough and getting rougher all the time. The good news is the diamond shoals buiy report is back up and working. The bad news is after this blow it will probably go out again. It's suppose to blow 40-50 tonight from the Southeast. Should make for some interesting conditions offshore. Hopefully the buoys holds on and we can see a report for the entire storm. They are predicting some pretty big swell overnight. Click here to see just how rough it's getting. Wind just picked up to 25-30kts the swell is only 5 feet right now but that won't last long I'm sure. Hopefully this won't change the water up too much cause the fishing seems to be pretty good if you can get offshore.
There was some pretty dense fog this morning that kept most everyone at the dock til in burned off mid morning. A couple boats waited for the fog to lift and eventually made it offshore. They had good catches of Blackfin Tunas again with some big amberjacs as well. The picture is of two of Blackfins that were definitely LOST. They were caught today by a commercial boat about 2 miles off the beach. Pretty rare to catch these that close much less to do it in January. There was also a showing of Cobias today for the commercial fllet as well. If this keeps up we will be catching Marlins in March.
Beautiful day again today on the island. Slick calm with temps in the mid to upper 60's. While we didn't have a charter a couple other boats did and had great Blackfin Tuna fishing. Plenty of action all day with not too many sharks. Too bad we can get these coniditions on the weekend. The forecast doesn't look so good as of right now but hopefully that will change between now and saturday.
Strong SW winds offshore kept all the offshore boats tied to the dock today. There were some boats fishing in the sound and had decent catches of puppy drum and speckled trout. The air temp was in the mid 60s today so the sound water warmed up with the air and the drum and trout started biting. The Pamlico Sound is pretty shallow for the most part and the water temp especially inside the reef is predominantly air temperature driven. This can be a good or bad thing depending on the time of year. This time of year when we get a warm day the water can warm up 10-15 degrees in 24 hrs which will get the fish moving and starting to bite again. The problem is when we get the 30 degree weather the water cools down just as fast and shuts the fishing completely off. Lets hope for some more days like today so the water stays warm and we can have an early spring.
Wind and left over swell kept everyone at the dock again today. Looks like some more wind tomorrow offshore but from the SouthWest which should push even warmer water in. As you can see from the water shot this afternoon there is plenty of warm water around almost too much. Should be plenty of Blackfins on the rocks if we can just get a break in the weather. We have a couple trips coming up this weekend and the forecasts looks pretty good right now but I'm sure that will change soon. There were a couple more Bluefins caught down off Morehead today looks like that body of fish might hang out down there for the winter. They are catching them in colder water than what we have up here which is really bizarre. There is a biomass of bait down there so I guess the Tunas don't really care what the temp is as long as the food is there.
Wind and Rain today kept all boats tied to the dock. The forecasts has more NW wind tomorrow. Tuesday looks like we should get a small break in the weather. Until then here is a pretty cool video of my kind of fishing.
Even thought the forecast didn't exactly go as planned a few boats made it offshore today. They managed to catch some Blackfin Tuna and some bottom fish. Sounded like there was plenty of current but it didn't thin the sharks out at all either. Lots of current into 25kt Northeaster makes it pretty hard to catch anything other than a butt whippin. One day the weather is going to break and we will get some pretty conditions I swear.... It may not be until July but sooner or later it will happen. I think one of the boats shot some video from today click here to watch.
There was still some wind early this morning that kept anyone from going offshore today. Should be fishable tomorrow offshore for the first time in a week. Tunas are hopefully stacked up on the rocks. The water shots looks pretty good from today for them to be there. Looks like some current hopefully that will thin the sharks out some.
The wind finally let up some but still not enough for anyone to go offshore today. The commercial boats caught sea mullets and sharks along the beach today. Wednesday 1/21 of next week looks good weather wise to go Blackfin Tuna jigging. We still have those days open if anyone wants to go give us a call or email. 252-996-0549
Once again it's Cold Wet And Windy here on the Outerbanks today. We are in the middle of a winter Northeaster but the good news is the swell doesn't seem to be getting that big yet so once the wind dies down we should be able to get back out fishing. There are plenty of Blackfin tuna out front and some EXTREMELY large Bluefin Tuna being caught not too far south from us. There was a giant 1000lb Bluefin caught yesterday within range of Hatteras so if you want to go try your luck at one of these BEASTS give us a call. 252-996-0549
Not much fishing going on here day. Its cold wet and windy here making a great day to stay inside and work on the website. The Next few days looks like more of the same.